Survivor Redemption Island!


Yes, we watch TV here in northern MN, probably the form of entertainment that keeps us sane...our link to the world, along with the Internet.

But tonight is the beginning of the 22nd season of Survivor, we have watched every season, one in the fall and one in the winter till May over the last 11 years.

It also is our Pizza Night, as then we don't worry about what to fix and we can enjoy our show while eating.

I think the thing that makes this interesting is the human dynamic of survival is part of the process, and they have to fend for themselves quite a bit, which usually means everyone is starving and they lose lots of weight.
I marvel, at how some of the contestants have no idea of sustaining themselves, like drinking lots of water, even if you have to boil it to make it safe to drink.

So don't be surprised if you hear more about this season, as this season they have brought in a twist to the game and that is, someone voted out may be able to get back in the game, through a separate competition, hence the name Redemption Island.

I always find lots of people who watch the show also, and it makes great conversation. The big thing to remember when watching it is that the producers and editors only show you what they want you to see, so everything is not as it seems!

I can't wait for it to start tonight!