Stanley Monthly Family Birthday Party


We spent most of the day at Crystalie's brothers house, Mitch and Kay's as it was time for another Stanley Family Birthday Party.
Her family has made a habit to get together when there are birthdays that fall in each month. We all take turns hosting it and we all bring food depending upon what is being served by the host family for the main entree.
It has been something they have done for years and it is how I got to know Crystalie's family when we first started dating.
Today, brother-in-law Mitch and Jacob his oldest boy celebrated birthday's in February. Everyone brings gifts for them and there is at least one cake for every birthday being celebrating leading to the cake dessert combo for those who want it
Today, we also had ham, cheesy hash brown potato's, green salad, fresh dinner rolls, scalloped corn, baked beans and Chinese cabbage salad.
The two pictures:
Mitch and Jacob blowing out candles, and then all the kids who are part of the family on the staircase, overlooking the kitchen.
We spent the day visiting and the Stanley Family Garden Club met to discuss seed purchases to be made, which will end up here at Coffee Lake Farm, as Crystalie is the starter of a bunch of the seeds purchased that need to be started prior to garden planting.
Most of the kids enjoyed some Wii time playing games, and of course we had to eat and have gift opening and then cake!
Happy Birthday again to Mitch and Jacob!