Mother Nature


The weather this week has dominated the news all across this country. The images of the major storm roaring through 30 states, bring snow, rain and freezing rain and freezing temperatures.

In a way it is kind of comforting that we live in Minnesota, as we have seen this all to often, huge snowstorms and freezing temps, and un-driveable road conditions. I feel a little bit sorry for the poor people, who just haven't experienced this before. The storm is huge and the way it has affected the middle of the country and now moving into the northeast, is amazing.

The affects of this huge storm make me pause to realize that Mother Nature is truly the Mistress of the World we live in. The unbelievable power of the wind and the amount of moisture being dropped all over the country, is just hard to fathom. Hey when the weatherman is saying that haven't seen this large of a system in decades, it is just not a way to get our attention.

So, we hope and pray that people are being careful, and that they learn that unnecessary travel is truly unnecessary! Hopefully people will have a better appreciation of where we live and what we endure each winter!


  1. this is why I always keep a few cans of canned milk in the pantry:)

  2. What a nice photo, just beautiful, thanks to the photographer!!