Garden Day


High on my task list the couple of days was to get my garden tilled, in between the rows to stay ahead of the weeds. When we awoke this morning, the sky's looked very gray and I was worried, that it would rain before I had the chance to get the tilling done.

So at 7;25 am I was down in the garden starting my tiller and running it up and down the plant rows.

As you can see I got through all the rows and even took the weed wacker to the tall grass on the garden path to the shed, and around the rhubarb plant. I need to do some hand weeding but, it looks much better, and it will give the plants a chance to absorb some more heat, when the sun shines.

You can see things are growing well, with the last few days of sunshine.

After getting all the tilling done it was time to head inside, hop in the shower and it was off to R for another day of answering the phones and dealing with guests. But after I got home at 5 I went to work on finishing the fence around the new pumpkin patch. Which you can see below, I did get it finished, the nice thing about this fence is that I did not have to buy anything to get it done, I did receive a donation from Crystalie's Dad of a roll of concrete re-enforcement wire, which was 5 feet tall and also nice and heavy for plants to grow on, the balance of it made from corn crib sections that I had left over form our two corn crib gazebos.

It may not look the best but it is functional and when the pumpkins and gourd vines start spreading this will be a wall of green!

Anyhow after 2 hours of building fence it was time for grilling some chicken on the grill and enjoy a couple of beverages.