Long days and little things!

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It seems the days are almost not long enough for all that goes on in them.

I started with an early chamber meeting, and then back to the office working on some projects and also some emails to follow up on, and then I had another Chamber Chowtime to go to at noon. Where I got an email from my other employer R. and they wanted to know if I could come in for the early evening shift, as the worker who was supposed to work was out ill.

I told them yes, and showed up there at 5:00 pm for a 3 hour shift, actually ended up there till about 8:25pm. After that, I got home and grilled up some bratwurst for supper, which Crystalie waited for so we could eat together.

Now after supper a little TV, reruns and some computer time, and soon it will be time to get some sleep.

I know that everyone has a busy life, and the hours and minutes seem to fly by each day. The key is to enjoy some little things each day and not to take them for granted.

After 3 dreary cloudy rainy days, the sun peaked out this afternoon and evening, and we enjoyed a beautiful evening. The next few days look to be pretty decent based on the forecast, but we will see if the weatherman is right.

Anyhow, think of one of the little things you enjoyed, and enjoy the rest of this day!

One Comment

  1. I had so many "little things"...it filled up my whole day!