Planting time!

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Well it may seem late, but it is almost complete, the garden planting began last Saturday with the help of my daughter Jennifer. Tonight, June 7th Crystalie and I finished the job...except for a few squash seeds and some sweet peas. Below is the part of the section Jennifer and I did last Saturday, smaller stuff in these rows, carrots, lettuce, spinach, radishes, and lots of onions both red and yellow.
The picture below shows the tomato's and peppers and also broccoli and cabbage. There are also some basil and parsley plants here.

Another view of this, almost 45 tomato plants, plus about 30 peppers, many different types of both for lots of different uses in the kitchen and for canning.

Below is the new pumpkin, and gourd patch, the fence will be going up soon, now that it is planted, hopefully by this next weekend!

Of course when things start coming up you will see more pictures!

One Comment

  1. Are you planting gourds for Joyce. I hope all goes well.