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Yes the beginning of the work week, things at work will be slow this week, as far as sales due to vacations people take, and everyone is thinking about the weekend already. I do have a few things to get done and some people to see.

I did also work at R tonight, put in 3.5 hours, and it wasn't to busy. Things there are pretty full going into the July 4th weekend, and hopefully we will have warm weather so people can get outside and enjoy some golf and the lake.

We made it through the weekend, with just a couple little sprinkles of rain, which is good as we need some drying out. Sounds like we will see some mid 80's by Thursday.

I have some truck repairs tomorrow afternoon being done, replacing the front wheel bearings and hubs along with the brake rotors and pads. I bought the parts and I am having a local garage installing things as there are abs connections that need to be made. Hopefully they will fix the cruise control that hasn't worked since the last time it was in their shop.

Have a good week, and I will see what I have tomorrow.

One Comment

  1. Wow, the new format is great!! We like keeping up with you and the farm. Deb & Rick