More stuff


I should have taken a few pictures today but I didn't get it done.

One would have been of the load of items, I hauled from our friend Nancy's home, they have sold their house and they have called upon Crystalie, to help thin out the items they don't want to keep. But she feels may have some value left in them yet!

So today I dropped off the trailer at their house and Crystalie, went over and started going through the piles of stuff, Nancy had sorted and she even did some dumpster diving. Which is what I should have had another picture of!

But we had my pickup loaded, and my trailer and also a bunch of stuff in Crystalie's Blazer.

As we sort through things, and clean stuff up, you will maybe see it at Wooden Nichols, or around Coffee Lake Farm!


  1. I wish I lived close so I could get in themix and help. Love doing that sort of thing kinda like digging up treasure.

  2. I also wish I would have gotten a dumpster diving picture...BECAUSE IT WAS MY DUMPSTER! Thanks Crystalie and Rory for taking some STUFF off our hands. Another treasure hunt scheduled for next week!