My Wife!


Well, look here Crystalie and her Dad took a road trip for his Father's Day gift and went to Nathaniel and Deja's new farm, to go look at their new herd of Jersey Milking Cows, and also to help Nathaniel and Deja with a few projects they needed some help getting done.

So she snapped some pictures of lots of things, but this one is a very familiar sight for me, a Jersey cow taking it easy in her stall in their barn. I grew up on my parents farm in SE North Dakota, and where we milked Jersey cows for over 100 years on the Coit Brothers Farm, which my Dad and Mom took over back in the late 60's ad I grew up milking lots of these same type of cows.

Here is the Dairy farmer and his main helper Deja, standing amongst the herd.

Grandpa Stanley also got to see his youngest grand daughter Lily, who kept them both entertained later in the day when Dad got home from work. You can see Grandpa was pretty happy.

Below is a look down the feed alley, and lots of happy cows eating up the silage Nathaniel had just put down for them to eat.

But it wasn't all fun and smiles, Grandpa got the tiller going, worked up the garden spot, and Crystalie and him planted the tomatoes, peppers and other plants. Grandpa also mowed the grass and then Crystalie raked a bunch of it up and they fed it to the cows.

I will leave you with this picture of one of their baby Jersey calves, Lily is definitely a little farm girl and gave Grandpa and Crystalie a tour around the farm.

The day road trip with Grandpa ended pretty late in the day, as Crystalie got home around 11:30 at night and she needless to say was tired but felt great about taking her Dad on the working road trip to the Stanley Dairy Farm!


  1. It WAS a long day, but SO worth it!!! Thanks for the nice post!

  2. Oh, you made me cry, miss the pretty jerseys of days gone by. The little calf really made my heart ache for the trips to the barn and the joy of living on a working farm. Thanks, for the memories. Love you.

  3. Great pictures, all of them! Love those cows, they are adorable!