Jennifer and Matias's Patio!


Jennifer and Matias, have a nice home over in Lakeshore, MN which is located north of Gull Lake. When they bought the place, it just had a little slab outside a sliding glass patio door right off of their kitchen.

Matias being a chef, wanted to create an outdoor dining area there, so last fall they poured a much larger patio area, and then this spring the did some landscaping and added the brick walls, along with some plants and of course some mulch.

You can see it is really developing into a nice area, this spring they also got a hand me down table and chairs from my brother Neal. Below is the far end of the patio, and there are more plans to finish that corner under the stairs.

As you can see it looks very good, and will be the spot for many meals and also just visiting and relaxing, for them and their friends and of course family! Nice job Matias and Jennifer!


  1. Looks beautiful! As does your blog :)

  2. Thanks Dad! And thank you for all the advice too! Can't wait to have our first get together on the patio. And yes, your blog looks great!