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Sunday, June 6th
Crystalie and I both worked today, she of course was at Wooden Nichols and I was at R.
Not overly busy but busy enough, and we both got home a little after 4 and we were off to our nephew Lucas's High School Graduation party, at his mom and dad's house, Montina and Scott's.

Below is Lucas in the gold shirt visiting with one of his friends looking over the wall of pictures on display. pretty nice shots in the bunch even one with him holding the lead rope on one of our Llamas Regalo when he was about 10 or 11.

Montina, and Lucas and Aunt Crystalie and Scott, came up with a Medieval theme as Lucas is into the "World of Warcraft" game series. Lucas as quite a collection of medieval garb and arms which is displayed on the walls in their garage the location of the party. Which is was a beautiful day for it!

This is more of his collection along with the man in armor, there was a full size one guarding the door, which is something Grandpa found and some of us have them on display, it added more charm to the event.

His younger sister also drew and painted this great looking dragon on the wall of the garage also, it is really well done...good job Dacia.

For food their was Baked chicken drummies and wings with sauces for your tasting, fried pork rice, snacks in wooden rustic bowls on all the tables, and also various drinks, slices of watermelon, and a cabbage type salad, and of course a cake that was done in the shape of a shield, and was silver in color!

There were about 60-70 people who stopped by to enjoy the event and also wish him well.

Congrats to Lucas and good job to his parents Scott and Montina on a great party!

One Comment

  1. Thanks, Rory!!! It was worth the effort! It was indeed a beautiful day and we were so happy you could come to enjoy it with us! :)