Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Robins finally are here!

Well as you can see we had Robin's in the yard, this wasn't the only one, but it is a good picture of one of them thanks to Crystalie. I am sure others of you have seen some maybe before this, but it is the first time we have seen them here. We have spent the last couple of days preparing for our trip, to see our newest grandchild and our house sitters are coming in shifts, over the time we are gone, to watch over all the critters and fuel the wood stove and take care of Tootsie and Smarkle. So look forward to something new and exciting posts!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


March 28th

Well I don't have a picture, but we had company last night for supper. We enjoyed grilled steaks, garlic seasoned mashed potatoes, and fresh salads, and also some fresh homemade rolls, and for desert a nice chocolate brownie served warm with a little scoop of ice cream. It was all great and we enjoyed catching up on her busy life and also things going on with the two of us.

It was our close friend Colette, who is a longtime friend of Crystalie's that she has worked with at various restaurants in her younger years, and since those days they have always been close. And Crystalie's friend became my friend many years ago and I also am her handyman for odd jobs around her place.

Colette is a golfer and her and I play golf together few times every summer, which usually ends with the three of us enjoy a nice meal together.

She is a good golfer also and her and I play fairly close to each other score wise but many times she ends with the best score. But I chalk it up to the fact she plays 4-5 rounds every week and works at her game a lot more than I have time to do. But none the less it is always and fun and a good challenge.

We are busy making our plans to visit the new grandson Miles, and his Mom and Dad. We are both looking forward to some new baby time and lots of pictures and time with Raquel and Eric.

Plus seeing a part of the country I have not been to!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Sunday Visitor

We had a visitor today, Crystalie's mom Faith, stopped by for lunch. Which gave her a chance to catch up on what we have been doing and also see a bunch of Crystalie's finished items for Wooden Nichols. We had leftovers actually of "Dad's Hotdish" and enjoyed the conversation, and showing her a few things around the farm.

Like Smarkle's trick, eating the treat that is placed on her nose. She got to see the new stairs int he backbarn studio, that I put in a while ago. Then she was off to Mitch and Kay's house to see them and of course Jacob and Josuha.

I spent the afternoon finishing a special project, and then watching some of the basketball on tv and also the end of the NASCAR race, held in California. I of course played fetch with Smarkle for a while, to tire her out some, before coming in the house for the rest of the evening, except for a bathroom break or two before bedtime.

All in all a nice day, lots of sunshine but not very warm, the temp hardly got above 30 degrees. So the last snow we got last week, is sticking around a lot longer than we would like, but not much we can do about it here.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Dad's Hotdish

I took care of getting supper ready so I made one of my own dishes, a hotdish that the kids labeled "Dad's Hotdish".

Here is what goes into it..

1 lb or 1.5 lbs - browned and seasoned hamburger
3 - cups of Elbow macoroni
1 - pint of homemade spagetti sauce
1 - can of diced tomato's or a pint of stewed tomato's
1 - can of Bushes baked beans

Mix all the ingredients in a 6 quart casarole dish, and then top with grated cheese or 5 or 6 cheeses slices.

Cook in the oven at 350 degrees, covered for 45 minutes or so, and then uncover for 15 more minutes

Then also if you have them, Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuts, go great with this warm hotdish.

The nice thing is it also makes enough to feed 4-6 people, or less and then you have some good leftovers.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Disappearing Act

This is another picture my photographer, Crystalie took today. This place is close to her Dad's place, an old farmstead, with the silo and one old building left. The barn is gone, which would have been attached to the silo, much like a barn we lost probably.

This scene always evokes thoughts of, what was it like in it's living days... as now it is just a solemn reminder of the era gone by. Being a farmboy from North Dakota, I have witnessed this all of my life, and even now the farm I grew up on is becoming a similar scene. Buildings disappearing, and tree lines that once were healthy growing trees, have aged and now are rows of trees, that are dead or dying, or broken from the hard winds of the prairie.

I think we all realize, that things change, and as modern technology as evolved we see so many changes in everything we do. As a Midwesterner, or living in fly over land, many of us come from a heritage of a farming community. Which brings us memories of hard work, and a time when work was never done, and there was a long list of daily chores, that demanded much of the time of the day and all of the bodies energy and muscle.

We have felt the joy of raising a crop or livestock, that later provided us substance through the winter. It is a farm thing...a dirt thing...a way of life thing...a way of life that is slowly disappearing...

If you want to see the changes or learn more...National Geographic did and article on North Dakota ...the link is here

If you want to see how hard the life was on the prairie in Minnesota, rent the movie "Sweet Land" a movie that shows what many of our fore fathers and mothers faced day after day.

I don't mean for this to be depressing, but just an acceptance of an era gone by but one that in my memories shares a special place, as it does in many of yours also I hope!

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Being Gone

Crystalie, snapped this picture last night before she let the dogs in for the night.

Tootsie and Smarkle, are watching the driveway awaiting my arrival home, she said they were out there for a while waitng to see me when I come down the driveway.

The problem was I was not coming home, as I was gone overnight for work, so they probably were a little dissapointed, until they got a treat.

But it is nice to know they were waiting to see me when I normally would arrive!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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S_ _ _ and plowing!

Yes, the 4 letter word has appeared again, we had about 8 inches and it blew so hard last night. leaving most of the snow in my driveway.

So I worked from home today and then spent 2 hours plowing out the driveway this afternoon. I am glad I did not take my plow off the tractor. There was no way I would have gotten through the 2 plus feet in the corner of the driveway heading into the trees, in spots it was 30 inches deep.

The wind blew hard all night and really howled around midnight to 4 am, after that it let up a little. Our little windmill needs some repairs, it seems the vibration loosened more screws and it will be something to fix this weekend.

Smarkle spent the 2 hours following me up and down the driveway as I plowed. So hopefully she got enough exercise, so she is tired out for a bit, she gets restless when she isn't outside or does enough wandering around the yard.

Tonight is Survivor night and Pizza, so it is an easy night for a supper plan.

Crystalie has spent the day doing a bunch of hand sewing, and we squeezed in one game of scrabble after we had lunch and before I went out to plow the S_ _ _.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Town Trivia.....

Well on the road today calling on potential advertisers in northern Minnesota. So here are a few clues of where I was today!

1. It is located on the Mississippi River
2. It has a lake in it's city limits
3. It also has lots of pine trees
4. It has 2 major highways going through it
5. It has a dam also on the river
6. It was the birth place of a famous person
7. That person was a singer
8. It lost it's shoes a few years ago....

Dear you can't guess either.....

The Llamas are huddled up this morning facing downwind...but enjoy a nice warm bed of hay.

Below you see some chicks and some blooming tulips, that my creative wife fashioned for sale at Wooden Nichols in 5 weeks!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Dreary days

Well we have not had much Sunshine, since last Friday and now a late March Storm is going to be hitting us the next two days.

We may get 4-8 inches of the "white stuff", so say the weather terrorists that I listen to. Just when a lot of the "white stuff" is almost gone.

I will not use the 4 letter word S_ _ _ on this blog as we are all tired of it and we all were hoping we would see an early spring, rather than more of the "white stuff".

The deer have been coming onto my golf practice range and snacking on the green grass that is being exposed by the receding "S _ _ _".They have been out in the pasture a lot eating what is being exposed out there also, and the Llamas are doing the same, even though they have a huge bale of hay to pick at all day long.

I filled the water tank today, even though it wasn't to low, but better to do it when it isn't storming outside.

We are making plans to visit the new Grandson Miles soon, and it will be a lot of travel time but well worth it. I talked to the new mommy Raquel, today and everything is going really well, and she says he is changing daily(and lots of diaper changing also), and eating well. The biggest battle for her is getting enough rest, feedings every 3 hours or so are making it hard for her to get a lot of rest, but she is catnapping when she can.

We spent the last day and half eating up the left overs from Matias and Jennifer's visit over the weekend. Which for us just makes it easy to fix something to eat!

Well time to eat, and enjoy our cozy living room, while watching some TV tonight.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Plants are up and our guests!

Well, as you can see we have some Easter decorations out and also that our guest Joya, has made her self at home, and we have new plants sprouting in the trays Crystalie planted last weekend.
We enjoyed a nice afternoon walk with Jennifer and Matias and all the dogs, even though it didn't get as nice out yesterday as it was supposed too. But it was refreshing, and the dogs enjoyed checking things out along the driveway.
Jennifer and Matias, treated us to dinner at the Whitehawk Bar and Grill, just a mile away from our house and we enjoyed a nice meal and even got the chance to say hi to some neighbors who were also out for a nice meal.
We came home and had dessert, a tres lache cake Matias made in the afternoon, and we played the Seinfeld Scene-it Game, which I was the winner going away. After that we lounged around and watched a movie, and went to bed. A long and very filling day, with all the food we ate!
Joya, Smarkle and Tootsie, all were exhausted and every one seemed to sleep in this morning.
Waffles and bacon for breakfast, and a chance to catch up on the computer, since the weather is cloudy and drizzle falling, and very wet outside, but hey it is above freezing and the snow is melting away!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Visitors at Coffee Lake!

We Have visitors for the you can see Smarkle and Tootsie's cousin Joya is here, meaning Jennifer and Matias are here!
They wanted to enjoy the solitude of Coffee Lake Farm, prior to a busy spring beginning for Matias. Also Joya hasn't visited for a little while, and Smarkle and Joya play constantly, leaving them both exhausted by the end of the day.
Last night we enjoyed supper together, which consisted of pork chops on the grill, seasoned cooked rice, fresh rolls, spinach green salad and applesauce. Leaving us all very full, and feeling lazy has we watched some TV and visited.
Look for more adventures of Joya and Smarkle later today!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Waves on the lake?

This is the view out of our living room window looking to the west. See all that water on the ice, there was enough of it, so with the wind blowing this evening, it actually made waves on the large area's of water.

Tonight the neighbor's yard light is reflecting off of the water on top of the ice. Which is weird to see again, but another sign spring is not far away.

Contest time.....put in a date for when you think the ice on Coffee Lake will be completely gone. Last year it was out on March 29th and we have seen it in the lake later than April 20th, in past years...make a guess and I will come up with a prize to the one closest to that date give an AM or PM with your date. As we have seen both!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Oh Yeah Puddles!

Okay, we now have lots of puddles all over the yard, all over the ice on top of the lake and in the driveway.

Yes it may not sound exciting, but Crystalie heard and saw a Canadian goose, which came gliding over the creek bed, where there is open water.
We always get some early geese in the creek area, and about May 1st they will bring the newly hatched gosling's up on to the lawn down by the lake.

The other thing we are hearing is the sound of our male Cardinal serenading the lady cardinal, in the mornings when I go out to fuel the stove before I leave for work.

Speaking of my wood stove, I had to turn down the water temperature a little, came home to find Crystalie opening the front door to let out some warm air. The stove does a heat dump when the water gets to hot, by running the fan in the house till the circulating water cools down enough in the stove. So I just turn down it's fan thermostat about 5 degrees and it ends the heat dump problem.

It may not freeze tonight which will help the snow disappear even faster!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Long day for work!

The 3rd Tuesday of the month brings my monthly Builders Association meeting, after working during the day.

It was held at the "Old Waterfall Bar" north of Brainerd about 4 miles, about 40-45 people showed up, and enjoyed some social time, a good meal and a presentation on automated lighting systems. Boring right...well it was pretty interesting as the presenter made some great points about lighting in our home and businesses.

Like did you know that buildings over 5000 square feet in size for commercial use are required to install various energy saving technology, to meet federal regulations?

Also lighting systems like the one we saw demonstrated are design to shut lights off as their primary responsibility allowing it to actually help you save power, which means you save money, therefore paying for your lighting control system. As he said we are good at turning lights on but terrible about turning them off when we don't need them.

Anyhow, it was a good meeting and good to see some people, I haven't seen for a bit.

At home the snow continues to melt and the driveway got softer in spots, and the bare spots are getting bigger. Needless to say the Llamas enjoy the sunshine and lay stretched out and sun their bellies...

So enjoy the sunshine and warm weather where you are!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Melting and repairs

The big warm up as started! Yeah

We had temps in the low 30's with a warm sun shining most of the afternoon. Which helped start the melting process, and tonight we are barely going to get below freezing, with a chance of rain later tonight and tomorrow morning.

I arrived home to a muddy driveway and a flow of water going through the yard, and the bare spots growing larger along the pine trees and in the yard where the snow was plowed off.

I took time to play fetch with Smarkle, who became all wet running through the puddles, and the water flying off her feet as she raced after the ball. With the ground exposed, her stride makes a lot more noise and she was having fun running on the bare spots, instead of the icy driveway and yard.

I did have to do a little repair on one of the rain gutters on our back deck, the wind and snow off the roof, had pushed one piece apart. I needed match up the seams and then re-nail it and I put a few extra screws through the metal into the fascia on the house. Should be good to go...

Also cleaned out all the pine needles that had filled it up over the late fall and winter.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Sure Sign of Spring

This is a tray of freshly planted seeds, in some seed starting soil.

Crystalie, planted 5 trays of seeds today, and this is part of our spring ritual. Crystalie, starts a bunch of seeds, for the Stanley Family Garden Club, this means Spring is coming even though we have lots of snow left.

These soon to be plants will be transplanted later into other trays, and they will move in to the little greenhouse (it was 62 degrees in there this afternoon with the bright sunshine), where they will continue their growth.

It was about 30 degrees today and not to windy, so we took Smarkle and Tootsie for a walk on leashes to the mailbox, to get yesterdays mail.
Crystalie, worked with Smarkle on the leash and had her heeling pretty good by the time we got to the mailbox, and she was really good on the way back.

Crystalie, has a very disciplined nature when training the dogs and she is very consistent with the process, which helps them learn quickly. All in all it was a good first time, we will work with Smarkle a little more and it will be old hat for her. She is like a sponge and is willing to learn, and does so quickly.

Other then that, I finished my receipt pile, getting it all totaled up and the results entered on the preparers paperwork, and I will be dropping off my paperwork with the tax preparer later this week.

It felt good to get out for the walk, and something we need to do more of as the weather begins to warm up.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Well, many of you know this, but I am a Scrabble player...

Along with many of you, and I have 6 plus online games going at a time, and then we play games at home on a board. When we get together with family or friends, we also play a game if time allows.

Tonight we are visiting Tina and Scott, Crystalie's sister and brother-in-law in Aitkin, for a night of food and Scrabble. We try to get together every so often to do this, to visit and enjoy 2 or 3 challenging games of Scrabble over a meal.

Playing 4 person games, tend to go fairly fast, and usually we get 3 games in before we call it a night...which is usually around 8:30 pm or so. 3 of the 4 of us, are not your late night type of people, I would be the one who is up late usually.

So wish me luck, and hopefully everyone will like the devils food chocolate cake I am bringing for dessert. I know Tina will have something wonderful for supper!


Tax prep

What a pile of receipts....

I am prepping our information to get our taxes done for 2010. Hence the pile of receipts on the coffee table in the living room.

Because of the farm and Wooden Nichols and our my own personal expenses for my job, we have been working with a tax preparer each year. Which means we have to pull together all of our information, and the receipt pile is part of that process. As you can see I have them sorted, from the little drawer where we stash them during the year.

I also go through all the utility statements for each property, the farm and store, and total them up and organize them for storage. which I have done already. My next step is to go through these stacks, and total up the amounts for auto expenses, supplies, farm repair bills and parts, postage, medical, and store purchases for resale. That is tomorrow's job!

Once I have those totals, I can fill out the tax prep papers that are preparer sends us, and then drop off the paperwork that is all generated, along with w-2s and and other statements, at their office.

Then prior to April 15th, I will mail in our taxes! yeahhhh...


Paco the Llama

Paco, one of our younger male llamas, has been dealing with sore hips and back left leg. About 10 days ago, the males were scrapping with each other and we think Paco ended up going down on some ice in their pen. It seems he might have done the splits with his rear legs, or he has a groin pull on his left rear leg.

This has made it difficult for him to get up, and I have literally had to help him up by grabbing his rear end when he tries to get up and lift him a little to get his feet under him. After that he can move around slowly, but he is not to staple.

But the last 2 days he seems to doing better, and he can pretty much get up by himself, but I sometimes just have to make him get up, so he gets his circulation going in his legs. He either camps out next to the hay bale in the pen or in the shed depending upon the weather.

Crystalie, also implemented an aspirin program for him, by feeding him 7 aspirin in a little grain daily, which he does not hesitate at all to eat. It seems to remove some of his discomfort and he tends to stay on his feet for a while before he lays back down. He seems to be getting plenty to eat, and drink.

Hopefully the field will lose more snow next week, and at that point the llamas will wander around more picking at the remnants of the fall grass covered by the snow. Which in turn will get Paco some more exercise.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Powered Up..finally

Yeah, the new power supply arrived and has allowed me to get back on my laptop. I may be a post or two behind, but I will probably make-up for it in the week to come.

In light of the fact we now have a Grandson, as I shared earlier in the week. Miles and mom and dad, were at home in their own beds about 27 hours after his birth. Wow right!

They are all doing fine and have had lots of visitors, including Raquel's mom Marcy, and her Grandma Jeanne. Eric's parents and brother and sister have been there also checking on their first grandchild! Nice way to impress the in-laws right... just teasing Raquel and Eric.

At home today it is Friday and we reached mid 30's so we so some more snow melt but tonight we are going to get a blast of snow and wind, and maybe some rain to start it all off.

Watch for my Llama update later, we have been playing nursemaid lately.

Sunday, March 6, 2011



Well here is a look at what I have been working on in the shop.

As you can see I am using recycled red painted barn wood, and the sides and base are some wider gray boards from the barn.

The recycled license plates come from Crystalie's Dad, some of his auction and scrap finds. Along with reusing the turn knobs from water faucets, that her dad also collected when he sorts for brass and aluminum.

The birch branch trees are from the trees I cut a week ago, and as you can see I try to make the best of everything we have. It takes about 20 minutes or so to put one together, using my brad nailer and my variable speed dewalt drill-screw gun.

The bases can be removed on them to clean them out, so if they do become the lucky home for some chickadees or finches or maybe even some tree swallows or bluebirds, they can be maintained.

Their first home will be on display for sale at Wooden Nichols starting on April 28th!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Shop time...

I spent most of my time outside in my large shop, worked on clearing some space to cut some plywood, for a project on my list.

But I also spent time cutting some pieces for some birdhouses, using the old barn boards I harvested from the old barn that fell late last fall the picture above.

I spent some time ripping some wide gray boards on the radial arm saw, so I could get even edges to work with, and then I cut some other pieces of the red barn siding boards, into smaller pieces to work on developing some birdhouse fronts. The goal is to create some rustic primitive birdhouses to be sold a Wooden Nichols next spring and summer.
Tomorrow I should have a finished picture of a birdhouse to show you.
Today brought a very sunny day, but the temp only rose to 24 degrees, with a steady breeze from the northeast. It was tolerable outside, and I also got the rest of my firewood logs split and stacked, the main reason to finish it was in case we get a bunch of snow so it will not all get covered up.
We spent lunch time watching a documentary movie called "Which Way Home" the storyline is following 4 young Latino boys as they hope to get to the United States, using the rail system in Mexico as their way to get here. If you want some perspective on how good we have it here in our country, watch this movie, it is on Netflix available for instant watching. Have your children watch it with you, there is some offensive language but they will maybe look at what they have differently.


Friday March 4th

Musings, of a long winter....
Yes it seems like we have had snow for months on end, but really only 5 so far...and yes there is more to come based on what the weatherman is forecasting for the next week.

The temperatures haven't given us any thoughts of Spring yet, as the lows have been around 10 above...and the highs haven't even reached above freezing this last week.

Which probably means that when it does warm up, it will be fast and we will be besieged with news of lots of flooding, which is not good for our fellow Minnesotans, or North Dakota friends. If you live in a place that has a potential to flood, I can not comprehend how you deal with the impending threat of flooding.

The sun shines longer each day and as I drove home from Grand Rapids, I noticed even at 7:00pm there were traces of light blue on the western horizon, the last glimmers of the sun setting. In Minnesota, depending upon where you live the horizon is not always that far away, meaning the trees maybe out your back window, not allowing you to see the sun dipping below the curve of the earth. One of the things I always love about North Dakota, was that you could see the sun slowly go down over the horizon, as it paints the sky with the most beautiful picture.
At Coffee Lake Farm, we have a fairly open area, and we see such sunsets, almost all year around, one of things I love. The picture above was last summer, but it gives you an idea of the horizon we see.
The weekend is here and I will be outside, working on some projects in my shop, even though it is cold out, I am hoping that I can at least start on my long project list.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Night of the Movies at Home!

For entertainment, we do watch movies, especially when there are reruns of our favorite TV shows that we watch.

We are Netflix customers, and we are only rotating 1 movie at a time, and watch streaming movies also. Needless to say like most people we enjoy certain types of movies, but I think we have broad interests.

Tonight we watched a movie called "Adam" which was the story of a young man who has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of high performance autism.

It is about the struggles after his father's death, and how he begins a relationship with a young woman who moves into his building, it is set in New York City and Central is interesting and very nicely filmed, and overall it was enjoyable to watch.

We recently we watched another little Independent movie called "Feed the Fish" it was set in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin, and is a romantic comedy, with lots of winter experiences...check it out you might like it!
If you are into something more suspenseful and murder mystery, check out the Trilogy of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who played with Fire, and the Girl who kicked the Hornets nest. It is 3 Swedish Foreign films with English Subtitles, it is graphic and some intense scenes but the story line is great and the movies are very well done!
So if you have seen something interesting please feel free to pass on it's title and also what you thought, always appreciate a good recommendation!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Survivor night!

Yep, it is Wednesday and it is Survivor night again, and also Pizza night.

Pretty simple around here on Wednesday nights, but that is okay. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago Survivor is one of our guilty pleasures for reality TV. So far the new season has been very entertaining, with some wacky characters, and some dumb and bold moves by the game players.

It was cold today, but warming up some, and the next day may bring us a touch of snow but warmer was - 9 degrees this morning.

For work, I attended a Brainerd Chamber event at Breezy Point Resort, for what they call a Chowtime. Lunch was a fajatia buffet line, and it tasted good to have some Mexican food, and the event had about 4o people.

We get to do some shameless self promotion about what we sell or do, and I go to a couple of these events each month along with other meetings, and that revolve around networking and getting to know what various people and businesses do. As you can tell I have no problem, meeting people, and of course visiting with them, and also educating them as to what I sell or do.

Here is the website fo the Magazine I sell advertisng for..check it out...

Enjoy, if you haven't seen before, we are all pretty proud of how it looks and it's content.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Back to work and winter temps!

Well after having a 4 day weekend, it was back to work today!

It seemed like a Monday for me, but the rest of my co-workers were in there routine of the week. Less visiting about what took place over the weekend, and more concentration on the tasks at work.

I had some catching up to do and a couple of appointments, and also worked on getting some other meetings set-up for the rest of this week and into next week. I have some traveling to do next week, and maybe the week after that.

In the mean time the warmer weather we experienced the last couple of days, mid 20's or so...has given way to an Arctic blast pushed by strong frigid winds from the Northwest. Needless to say it has everyone in a mood that is like "isn't it over yet!!!" Everyone is so ready for spring to come and the snow to start disappearing for good. Hopefully you have been this optimistic.....

I returned home to find my wife not feeling well, flu like symptoms that are leaving her chilled and hot, but not to much of the upset stomach yet. So I have been busy taking care of her, fixed a warm baked chicken hotdish. A cup of warm tea, and provided whatever she needed to make her comfortable, but more sleep, and hopefully she will feel better tomorrow!