Sunday Visitor

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We had a visitor today, Crystalie's mom Faith, stopped by for lunch. Which gave her a chance to catch up on what we have been doing and also see a bunch of Crystalie's finished items for Wooden Nichols. We had leftovers actually of "Dad's Hotdish" and enjoyed the conversation, and showing her a few things around the farm.

Like Smarkle's trick, eating the treat that is placed on her nose. She got to see the new stairs int he backbarn studio, that I put in a while ago. Then she was off to Mitch and Kay's house to see them and of course Jacob and Josuha.

I spent the afternoon finishing a special project, and then watching some of the basketball on tv and also the end of the NASCAR race, held in California. I of course played fetch with Smarkle for a while, to tire her out some, before coming in the house for the rest of the evening, except for a bathroom break or two before bedtime.

All in all a nice day, lots of sunshine but not very warm, the temp hardly got above 30 degrees. So the last snow we got last week, is sticking around a lot longer than we would like, but not much we can do about it here.