S_ _ _ and plowing!

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Yes, the 4 letter word has appeared again, we had about 8 inches and it blew so hard last night. leaving most of the snow in my driveway.

So I worked from home today and then spent 2 hours plowing out the driveway this afternoon. I am glad I did not take my plow off the tractor. There was no way I would have gotten through the 2 plus feet in the corner of the driveway heading into the trees, in spots it was 30 inches deep.

The wind blew hard all night and really howled around midnight to 4 am, after that it let up a little. Our little windmill needs some repairs, it seems the vibration loosened more screws and it will be something to fix this weekend.

Smarkle spent the 2 hours following me up and down the driveway as I plowed. So hopefully she got enough exercise, so she is tired out for a bit, she gets restless when she isn't outside or does enough wandering around the yard.

Tonight is Survivor night and Pizza, so it is an easy night for a supper plan.

Crystalie has spent the day doing a bunch of hand sewing, and we squeezed in one game of scrabble after we had lunch and before I went out to plow the S_ _ _.

One Comment

  1. I love you...even tho you creamed me in that game!!!