Tax prep


What a pile of receipts....

I am prepping our information to get our taxes done for 2010. Hence the pile of receipts on the coffee table in the living room.

Because of the farm and Wooden Nichols and our my own personal expenses for my job, we have been working with a tax preparer each year. Which means we have to pull together all of our information, and the receipt pile is part of that process. As you can see I have them sorted, from the little drawer where we stash them during the year.

I also go through all the utility statements for each property, the farm and store, and total them up and organize them for storage. which I have done already. My next step is to go through these stacks, and total up the amounts for auto expenses, supplies, farm repair bills and parts, postage, medical, and store purchases for resale. That is tomorrow's job!

Once I have those totals, I can fill out the tax prep papers that are preparer sends us, and then drop off the paperwork that is all generated, along with w-2s and and other statements, at their office.

Then prior to April 15th, I will mail in our taxes! yeahhhh...