Dreary days


Well we have not had much Sunshine, since last Friday and now a late March Storm is going to be hitting us the next two days.

We may get 4-8 inches of the "white stuff", so say the weather terrorists that I listen to. Just when a lot of the "white stuff" is almost gone.

I will not use the 4 letter word S_ _ _ on this blog as we are all tired of it and we all were hoping we would see an early spring, rather than more of the "white stuff".

The deer have been coming onto my golf practice range and snacking on the green grass that is being exposed by the receding "S _ _ _".They have been out in the pasture a lot eating what is being exposed out there also, and the Llamas are doing the same, even though they have a huge bale of hay to pick at all day long.

I filled the water tank today, even though it wasn't to low, but better to do it when it isn't storming outside.

We are making plans to visit the new Grandson Miles soon, and it will be a lot of travel time but well worth it. I talked to the new mommy Raquel, today and everything is going really well, and she says he is changing daily(and lots of diaper changing also), and eating well. The biggest battle for her is getting enough rest, feedings every 3 hours or so are making it hard for her to get a lot of rest, but she is catnapping when she can.

We spent the last day and half eating up the left overs from Matias and Jennifer's visit over the weekend. Which for us just makes it easy to fix something to eat!

Well time to eat, and enjoy our cozy living room, while watching some TV tonight.