Sure Sign of Spring

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This is a tray of freshly planted seeds, in some seed starting soil.

Crystalie, planted 5 trays of seeds today, and this is part of our spring ritual. Crystalie, starts a bunch of seeds, for the Stanley Family Garden Club, this means Spring is coming even though we have lots of snow left.

These soon to be plants will be transplanted later into other trays, and they will move in to the little greenhouse (it was 62 degrees in there this afternoon with the bright sunshine), where they will continue their growth.

It was about 30 degrees today and not to windy, so we took Smarkle and Tootsie for a walk on leashes to the mailbox, to get yesterdays mail.
Crystalie, worked with Smarkle on the leash and had her heeling pretty good by the time we got to the mailbox, and she was really good on the way back.

Crystalie, has a very disciplined nature when training the dogs and she is very consistent with the process, which helps them learn quickly. All in all it was a good first time, we will work with Smarkle a little more and it will be old hat for her. She is like a sponge and is willing to learn, and does so quickly.

Other then that, I finished my receipt pile, getting it all totaled up and the results entered on the preparers paperwork, and I will be dropping off my paperwork with the tax preparer later this week.

It felt good to get out for the walk, and something we need to do more of as the weather begins to warm up.

One Comment

  1. It feels good to do anything "spring" related! Maybe I should get the Easter box out? :)