Back to work and winter temps!


Well after having a 4 day weekend, it was back to work today!

It seemed like a Monday for me, but the rest of my co-workers were in there routine of the week. Less visiting about what took place over the weekend, and more concentration on the tasks at work.

I had some catching up to do and a couple of appointments, and also worked on getting some other meetings set-up for the rest of this week and into next week. I have some traveling to do next week, and maybe the week after that.

In the mean time the warmer weather we experienced the last couple of days, mid 20's or so...has given way to an Arctic blast pushed by strong frigid winds from the Northwest. Needless to say it has everyone in a mood that is like "isn't it over yet!!!" Everyone is so ready for spring to come and the snow to start disappearing for good. Hopefully you have been this optimistic.....

I returned home to find my wife not feeling well, flu like symptoms that are leaving her chilled and hot, but not to much of the upset stomach yet. So I have been busy taking care of her, fixed a warm baked chicken hotdish. A cup of warm tea, and provided whatever she needed to make her comfortable, but more sleep, and hopefully she will feel better tomorrow!


  1. Oh man, I swear we didn't send it (the weather OR the flu). Sorry to hear it, get well soon Mom! Thanks for taking care of her, Rory :)

  2. Thanks Dr. Coit....I'm doing better! love ya