Dad's Hotdish

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I took care of getting supper ready so I made one of my own dishes, a hotdish that the kids labeled "Dad's Hotdish".

Here is what goes into it..

1 lb or 1.5 lbs - browned and seasoned hamburger
3 - cups of Elbow macoroni
1 - pint of homemade spagetti sauce
1 - can of diced tomato's or a pint of stewed tomato's
1 - can of Bushes baked beans

Mix all the ingredients in a 6 quart casarole dish, and then top with grated cheese or 5 or 6 cheeses slices.

Cook in the oven at 350 degrees, covered for 45 minutes or so, and then uncover for 15 more minutes

Then also if you have them, Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuts, go great with this warm hotdish.

The nice thing is it also makes enough to feed 4-6 people, or less and then you have some good leftovers.