Oh Yeah Puddles!

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Okay, we now have lots of puddles all over the yard, all over the ice on top of the lake and in the driveway.

Yes it may not sound exciting, but Crystalie heard and saw a Canadian goose, which came gliding over the creek bed, where there is open water.
We always get some early geese in the creek area, and about May 1st they will bring the newly hatched gosling's up on to the lawn down by the lake.

The other thing we are hearing is the sound of our male Cardinal serenading the lady cardinal, in the mornings when I go out to fuel the stove before I leave for work.

Speaking of my wood stove, I had to turn down the water temperature a little, came home to find Crystalie opening the front door to let out some warm air. The stove does a heat dump when the water gets to hot, by running the fan in the house till the circulating water cools down enough in the stove. So I just turn down it's fan thermostat about 5 degrees and it ends the heat dump problem.

It may not freeze tonight which will help the snow disappear even faster!